The continents' leading ICT conference, Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) hosted by Telkom held her 21st annual event tagged SATNAC 2018 from 2 - 5 September 2018 at Arabella, Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa. The conference focused on the theme: The Data Tsunami – Enabled through Software Defined Transformation. Speakers and Panellist representing telecommunication operators and vendors from local and international organisations graced the events which was aired live on DSTV. Twenty members from the Centre of Excellence (CoE) at the University of Cape Town along with the Head of Centre were in attendance - (Neco Ventura, Olabisi E. Falowo, Joyce Mwangama, Oladele Afolalu, Vusumuzi Moyo, Michael Tarerefa, Stephen Ekwe, Paul Orim, Martin Slabber, Tasimba Chirindo, Uyoata Uyoata, Amakan Elisha Agoni, Lusani Mamushiane, Jiamo Liu, Tariro Mukute, Adedotun Ajibare, Clyde Mkorombindo, Sabelo Dlamini, Mohamad Rimas Mohamad Anfar, and Sharon Boamah ).