1. H. A. Chan, Yoshihiro Ohba, and Burak Simsek, "Heterogeneous network mobility, security, and TV broadcast, with IEEE 802.21 and DVB,"  tutorial at 6th Annual IEEE

Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2009) , Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10-13 January, 2009.

2. H. A. Chan and Yoshihiro Ohba, "Heterogeneous Network Mobility,"  tutorial at 2008 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, USA, 28-30 April, 2008.

3. Marsden, G. and Jones, "Mobile Interaction Design,"  SIGCHI 2008



1. Gary Marsden, "Doing HCI Differently  Tales from the Developing World,"  ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, San Jose, California. April 2007
2. Gary Marsden and Matt Jones, "Mobile Interaction Design,"  ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, San Jose, California, April 2007



1.H. A. Chan, "Wireless Network Standards and their Convergence,"  Tutorial at the International Communication Conference (ICC 2006), Istanbul, Turkey, 11 June 2006.

2.H. A. Chan, "4G Wireless Broadband Network,"  Tutorial talk at the 1st Australian Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications (AusWireless ’06), Sydney, 13-16 March 2006.

3.H. A. Chan, "The Future of Wireless Networks,"  keynote speech at 1st IEEE Australian Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications (AusWireless 2006), Sydney, 13-16 March 2006

4.Hussein Suleman, "What is Wrong with Digital Repository Software,"  Stellenbosch Library Symposium, Stellenbosch, 2 November 2006

5.      Alapan Arnab, "DRM - Not Necessarily Evil.,"  Presented at 5th INDICARE Workshop on Human Factors of DRM, 2006, Budapest, Hungary.